Driving directions and parking in Tjørnuvík

Driving directions and parking in Tjørnuvík
The scenic and generously visited Tjørnuvík has been in need of an update regarding its transportation and parking facilities. Sunda kommuna (the local municipality) has decided to put safety measures in place to ensure visitors and residents can enjoy smooth traffic to the majestic view during the high season. These are the measures:
- Traffic lights are set up ahead of Tjørnuvik to avoid facing traffic on the narrow road.
- Parking facilities will be available right by Tjørnuvík or in the nearby village; Haldórsvík. As for parking in the village, Tjørnuvík is only reserved for residents.
- Parking sensors & information signs are placed in Haldórsvík to notify visitors of the number of vacant parking spaces by Tjørnuvík.
- An ample parking space is available in Haldórsvík, where a free “park and ride” shuttle service will be offered daily between the hours 10 - 17 in July and August. The shuttle bus will drop travelers off right by the entrance to Tjørnuvík and pick them up again.
- Campervans are not permitted to drive to or park by Tjørnuvík but you can park in Haldórsvík and use the free “park and ride” shuttle service instead.
- Tourist buses are not permitted to park by Tjørnuvík but can drive there to drop off and pick up passengers. And in the meantime park in Haldórsvík.